AR-15 is the ultimate weapon in an athlete’s gym bag looking to maximize their gains. AR-15 was designed to amplify the most important phase of the athlete’s training program:
“The Post-Workout Phase” – known to athletes as the “Anabolic Window”. AR-15 brings you 20g of protein for optimal muscle protein synthesis, 30g carbs for restoring depleted glycogen levels, 5g BCAAs for preventing muscle breakdown, 5g EAAs paired with Betaine to limit cortisol release and minimize catabolism, Creatine MagnaPower® to build and maintain muscles, 5g Glutamine for resynthesizing carbs and speeding recovery, Antioxidants to destroy free radicals, and Electrolytes to optimize cell hydration.*
Don’t leave your post-workout recovery to chance – Make sure AR-15 is in your supplement arsenal.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.