Good For You Holiday Eats

ThanksgivingThanksgiving dinner is actually a nutrient rich holiday feast.  What you do to the ingredients may increase fat, sugars & calories – but the basics of your dinner are a power house of cancer fighting nutrients, fiber & over all health building vitamins, minerals & antioxidants.

Here’s our rundown:


Turkey has 0 cholesterol, is high in protein, B vitamins, selenium, phosphorus & Omega 6 fatty acids.

A 3 1/2-ounce portion of turkey is about the size and thickness of a new deck of cards. The fat and calorie content varies because white meat has less fat and fewer calories than dark meat and skin. One gram of fat contains 9 calories, and one gram of protein contains 4 calories.

Meat Type Calories Total Fat Protein
Breast with skin 194 8 grams 29 grams
Breast w/o skin 161 4 grams 30 grams
Wing w/skin 238 13 grams 27 grams
Leg w/skin 213 11 grams 28 grams
Dark meat w/skin 232 13 grams 27 grams
Dark meat w/o skin 192 8 grams 28 grams
Skin only 482 44 grams 19 grams

Resource: USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory – Turkey (Young Hen)


A cup of raw cranberries without all the fixins breaks down like this: 45 calories, 13 grams of carbs, 5 grams of fiber & only 4 grams of naturally occurring sugars.

Cranberries have anti cancer properties most notably to help prevent ovarian & prostate cancers according to several studies. They are also high in vitamin A, C, K, lutein, zeaxanthin, potasium, & carotene that benefit your immunity & eyes too.

Sweet Potatoes

A cup of raw sweet potatoes (before all the goodies) has 112 calories, 26 carbs, 0 cholestrol, 2 grams of protein & 4 grams of fiber. They’re also high in potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B (various), & C. Sweet potato’s fiber & nutrients helps  lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol & may even reduce your risk of colon and other cancers.

Green Beans

A cup of raw green beans (or cooked & salted), has 34 calories, 7 grams of carbs, almost 2 grams of protein, & almost 3 grams of fiber.  Natural occurring sugars are just a tad over 3 grams, with all kinds of vitamins & minerals. Topping the list of minerals are calcium, iron, and potassium. Green beans are also high in vitamins like A, C, K, folate, choline, beta carotene, lutein & Zeaxanthin.

Pumpkin (nutrient powerhouse!)

A cup of pumpkin straight out the can breaks down like this: 83 calories, almost 20 grams of carbs (but look at all the fiber!),  2.69 grams of protein, & a whopping 7.1 GRAMS OF FIBER! Naturally occurring sugars 8 grams. Pumpkin is high in so many nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and selenium. BUT pumpkin is cram, jammed with incredible levels of Vitamin A, various B vitamins, beta carotene, alpha carotene, & vitamins E & K.

Cinnamon Allspice NutmegHerbs & Spice

Herbs & spices are high in all kinds of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants & other super nutrients that are excellent for promoting healthy living.  They contain excellent anti-fungal & anti-bacterial properties and are powerful digestive aids whether you use them fresh, dried, or as an oil.

Rosemary – Fungicide, defuses carcinogens through the liver, increases digestion, decreases flatulence, stimulates the immune system, helps allergies, congestion, sore throats & the flu. Also reduces mental fatigue & depression, while stimulating mental activity.

Thymn – Helps break up chest congestion, bronchitis, coughs & colds. Helps the body to increase cell saturation & protection of important fatty acids in brain, liver & kidney cells.

Sage – May help prevent Alzheimer’s by inhibiting the increase of AChE activity. A natural memory enhancer and supports insulin action in some diabetics.

Basil – Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, supports eye & heart health, as well as a healthy blood pressure.

Cinnamon – Anti-flatulent, anti-inflammatory, supports heart health, blood pressure & blood sugar levels, lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol levels & when you eat with honey, can even help relieve arthritis pain.

Nutmeg – Helps reduce stress, mental fatigue, inflammation and bad breath. Aids in digestion and helps the kidneys & liver eleminate toxins. Nutmeg also promotes oral health & when added to warm milk, can help you to fall asleep faster.

Allspice – Promotes red blood cell production in the bone marrow, oral health, heart health and healthy blood pressure levels.  Allspice also helps to fight colds, flu, fever & fatigue.


So go ahead, enjoy your Thanksgiving feast, and should you over indulge during the holidays, just stop by the store and let our certified sports nutritionists help you get back on track and meeting your goals once again.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you & please know how much we appreciate having you as our customer!





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